Chipoudy Communities Revitalization Committee Membership


(scroll down for the deets!)

It all begins with people. Every member means more help, more hands in the community.

Dream it.

Will you dream alongside us? Are you interested in becoming part of a community and have new, fresh ideas you’d love to bounce around?

Build it.

When you join the CCRC, our community is stronger, healthier and more active. There is strength in numbers and we want to build our community with our community. We meet monthly to discuss new ideas, new projects and keep each other accountable and supported for current projects.

Grow it.

More members mean our initiatives move quicker. Our activities broaden. Creativity flows, and we build a community that we all want to be a part of and take pride in!

When you join the CCRC, our voices are heard and we build a community we all love.